Friday, September 26, 2008

Never Enough Sleep!

i am already so exhausted 2day. last night i took a shower at like 11:40 and didn't get to bed until 1:20ish. we had to take my aunt to the airport this morning at 5 so i only got about 4 hours of sleep. My mom is making some changes to the little brochure thing that everyone gets at the funeral service. we looked at bible verses and it relieved a lot of stress from my mom. the service is tomorrow but i dont know where or what time. im sort of out of the loop on the little details but that doesnt really bother me. its sort of nice to not have to think about anyting right now and i have a bunch of great friends to take my mind off of everything. all of the family is starting to come in and it was crazy trying to figure out where they would all stay. ummm...i got to go my cousins r comming over soon. thnx for taking the time to read this. it means alot.

with love,


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhh, the more you blog about... more I want to come help some how. You guys are christains?

Rose said...

In response to your comment on the most recent post on "Fly On", do you honestly think that the flock really exists, or did you just ask that for the sake of pretending?

The flock does not exist in reality. I'm not entirely sure who writes the blog, but I think it might be James Patterson himself.