Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lots of Cousins!

hola people...we had the funeral for my dad 2day. it lasted a rilly long time. its all good tho. alllll of my cousins r over (i have 28) my mom was one of 7 kids so its realy crazy here (shocker) :) we have sooo many flowers...thanks 2 all the people that came to the service. it really means a lot to my family. well as u could guess, im sort of busy w/people but ill post l8r. i luv yall!!!

with love,

Friday, September 26, 2008

Never Enough Sleep!

i am already so exhausted 2day. last night i took a shower at like 11:40 and didn't get to bed until 1:20ish. we had to take my aunt to the airport this morning at 5 so i only got about 4 hours of sleep. My mom is making some changes to the little brochure thing that everyone gets at the funeral service. we looked at bible verses and it relieved a lot of stress from my mom. the service is tomorrow but i dont know where or what time. im sort of out of the loop on the little details but that doesnt really bother me. its sort of nice to not have to think about anyting right now and i have a bunch of great friends to take my mind off of everything. all of the family is starting to come in and it was crazy trying to figure out where they would all stay. ummm...i got to go my cousins r comming over soon. thnx for taking the time to read this. it means alot.

with love,

Thursday, September 25, 2008

hey people! thnx 2 alll the people that came 2 the candlelight prayer gathering...especially meghan. jk (she told me 2 write that) :) i luv luv luv all of u guyys! ya'll r great. so...come over 2morrow especially if u havent come yet. sum of yall have cum over like everyday. ill post 2morrow...good night!

with love,

people people and more people!

Hey u guys! lots of people have been coming over since early this morning. normally i can sleep till like 1:30 but i got up at 10 cause my dog was barking soooo loudly!! but it was good to sleep in a little more because i havent gotten much sleep since...well a while. my mom is soo overwhelmed with all the plans she has to make. if u don't already know, my dad just died and his body is still in Amsterdam, Holland. my mom still has to find the right funeral home, i have 2 find pics w/my aunt, and we have to find out where all of my relatives will stay. it will be sooo crazy here for days to come. but besides that thanks sooo much to allllll of the people that have come over. it means so much to me and my mom. um....i dont rilly have much more to say right now but if i havent already bored you 2 deth, i will post later.

with love

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Madison's ah-mazing! is Christine! sry they r at my house and we r having the best time! its rilly gd to have frends 2 be around. since we r homeschooling i never get 2 see them. if ur from tca and want 2 come over, u dont even have 2 call. i luv u guys!!! :) gtg
ps: drew if ur reading this u r not in the pretty club. hahajk dont take that personally. i luv all of ya'll. ttyl

with love

My 1st post! exciting!

hey to anyone out there that even knows i have a blog. umm...i dont know wat 2 talk about caus im like totally new 2 this. well for starters, my dad just died and a lot of people r constantly going n & out of our house. it can be sort of annoying but its really nice to have a lot of people around so u dont have to go through it alone. 4 anyone that has lost a parent or someone really close, i rilly feel for u! now i know how it feels. it still feels like im in a movie and none of this is rilly happenin' ya know? well i gtg but ill blog later bye!

with love